Building and land use permits
- The requirements around land use and construction are managed by Douglas County. If you are looking to improve your land or do any sort of construction, this involves two different applications. One for the Town of Solon Springs and one for Douglas County.
- A TOWN permit is required for all work to be completed including remodels, new construction, additions, etc. We review your request during our regular town board meetings (usually the 2nd Monday of each month) and submit feedback to Douglas County. Please remit a $50 fee with your completed application. Be sure to get your information before noon on the Friday prior to our meeting to ensure that your request makes it on our agenda. Building permit package
- Douglas County requires an application to their zoning board for a land use permit. This includes:
- - Building, moving, or altering any structure, including sheds
- - Changing the use of an existing structure
- - Grading and filling
- - Variety of land uses
- - Zoning change requests